Peer assessment: an asset for the competency-based approach in higher education

The competency-based approach (CBA) and peer assessment are two educational trends that are gaining ground in higher education. Although distinct, these approaches present interesting synergies, particularly when it comes to tackling the challenges of assessment in PCA. Let's take a look at how peer assessment can support and enrich the implementation of the PCA approach.

Peer review round table - MoodleMoot 24

At MoodleMoot 2024 in Marseille, we shared our views on peer assessment and best practices with Julien Morice (IMT BS), Mario Calabrese (University of Strasbourg), Dominique Hervy-Guillaume (University of Montpellier) and Isabelle Motte (Louvain). It was a real pleasure to be able to exchange views, share ideas and debate on the subject of evaluation by [...].

Peer assessment for hard and soft skills

This webinar will show you how peer assessment can enrich students' technical and behavioral skills. Dr. Gautam Nagpal, Researcher at the eklore-ed School of Management, and Jean Feur, Customer Success Manager at ChallengeMe, will present case studies and testimonials on the effectiveness of this dynamic pedagogical approach.

Empowering students in the competency-based approach through peer assessment

Welcome to this webinar organized by "The Teaching Talent Community". In this session, Maud Harnichard, accompanied by Chryta Pélisier, Alison Besse, and Florent Bessieres from ChallengeMe, discuss peer assessment and the competency-based approach (CBA). Find out how these methods are being implemented in a variety of educational contexts, including pharmacy and [...]

Peer review days in Montpellier

ChallengeMe, the University of Montpellier and Montpellier Business School recently joined forces to organize an exceptional event focusing on peer review and related topics. The days were an opportunity to explore in depth the pedagogical innovations that are shaping the future of higher education.

Podcast - Feedback and peer review

Feedback at the heart of peer assessment Peer assessment, where students evaluate each other, relies on a central element: feedback. This is what Coralie Ardiet, a pedagogical engineer at BSB (Burgundy School of Business), emphasizes in the episode "Feedback in peer evaluation" of the Pedagocast, produced in partnership with [...].

Peer review: a tool for detecting AI-generated content?

In today's academic environment, the integration of artificial intelligence tools has become commonplace. Technology, particularly that relating to automatic text generation such as ChatGPT, brings a new dimension to traditional student assessment methods. With these advances, the authenticity of work submitted by students is put to the test, requiring adaptive assessment methods. [...]

Developing students' critical thinking skills through peer assessment

summer webinar

In an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world (for example, with the emergence of AI), the ability to think critically has become an essential skill. It enables us not only to understand and analyze information, but also to make informed decisions, solve problems and develop a [...]

How do you create a Criteria Grid relevant to peer review?

Peer evaluation has become an essential pedagogical tool in the world of education and vocational training. However, the success of this method depends largely on the quality of the criteria used to judge participants' work. How, then, can we create an effective criteria grid that promotes meaningful learning while being [...]

Peer assessment and soft skills: a synergy for success

In an ever-changing world, education can no longer be content with imparting only technical knowledge or "hard skills". Today, behavioral competencies, also known as "soft skills", have taken on a predominant role, not only in academia, but also in the job market. These skills, which encompass communication, interpersonal [...]