MCQs in peer-to-peer mode

Peer-to-peer MCQs

The peer-to-peer MCQ is a kind of cross assessment adapted to MCQs.

Participants are asked to answer a MCQ and then correct each other's MCQs, pointing out their mistakes and giving them advice on how to improve.

Why implement the MCQ in peer-to-peer mode?

Better understanding of mistakes
Students understand where their mistakes come from. They can receive different tips and tricks to find the right answer more easily next time

Reinforced learning
Students embed knowledge deeply by pointing out the wrong answers of others and explaining how to find the right answer.

Identification of learning
Teachers can quickly identify learning and non-learning and have all the interactions between students to highlight the best tips and tricks.

How does a peer-to-peer MCQ work?

On ChallengeMe, a peer-to-peer MCQ takes place in 3 steps with deadlines defined by the teacher. All interactions between students are anonymous.

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Step 1: The response stage

The teacher adds his MCQ in the format he wants. They answer this MCQ directly on the platform.

Step 3: Displaying the results.

The participants find out their score and the advice they received on their wrong answers. They can, if they wish, evaluate the quality of this advice.

Step 2: The feedback stage

The participants are given MCQs validated in the previous stage. They have to mark the wrong answers on these MCQs. A correction is available if they have any doubts.

For each wrong answer found, the participants must give advice to help the recipient find the right answer next time.

How does ChallengeMe facilitate the implementation of this activity?


Teachers can run this type of activity on 10, 100 or 1000 users without spending more time.


The MCQ does not need to be filled in on the platform, a simple PDF is enough!


Many features allow you to customise the activity: number of MCQs to be assessed per student, definition of dates, etc.


The platform automates time-consuming tasks: reminders to students, distribution of MCQs to be assessed, succession of phases.


Reports are available to facilitate analysis of the results.


A team of coaches is there to support you in the implementation of your activities to ensure success.

Are you interested in the peer-to-peer MCQ?

Would you like to try ChallengeMe for free in your school? We can set up a pilot with volunteer teachers!

Our resources

Our coaches have created materials to support you in this method.

Peer Review Guide

For us, peer review is a broad term for a range of activities that involve students in the act of assessing and providing feedback on the work of their peers.

use case peer review

How to integrate peer review into my course

As a teacher, you will have heard of peer review and its benefits.

peer review

Peer Review Guide

Used in higher education, peer review has many advantages both in terms of pedagogy and practicality for the teacher.

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