The role of AI in peer review: an in-depth exploration

Today's technological age has pushed back the frontiers of education, offering innovative methods of learning and assessment. One of these methods, peer assessment, has long been valued for its potential to encourage collaboration, critical thinking and self-awareness in students. But with the advent of intelligence, the [...]

Helping students give feedback

Why is this important? As a teacher, you have an important role to play in your students' learning and professional development. By teaching them how to give relevant feedback, you provide them with a valuable tool that will enable them to progress and develop throughout their careers. Feedback [...]

The STAR method for giving feedback

Learn how to give feedback You'll be giving feedback regularly in your career, to your manager, a customer, a supplier, members of your team or colleagues. So it's important to be prepared! What are the reasons for giving feedback? Here are a few examples: to enable [...]

Successful intra-group peer review

Intra-group peer assessment? During an in-group assessment, students are asked to give constructive feedback to members of their work group on their attitudes and investments within the group. They will therefore be assessing the famous "soft skills" or behavioral competencies of their peers. To carry out assessments [...]

FAQ Peer Review

How many assessments should a student take? It all depends on the type of work to be assessed and how much time you want students to spend on it. After a certain number of assignments, students are no longer motivated to give quality feedback. We recommend between 3 and [...]

Self-assessment for peer review

What is self-evaluation? Peer assessment has many advantages (see our article on the benefits of peer assessment), but to take full advantage of them, one ideal must be achieved. It must be integrated into an educational program comprising several mutually enriching methods. This is known as the triangulation of methods (Topping, 20031 ; [...]).

Intra-group peer review

What is intra-group assessment? Peer assessment is the practice of having a student assessed by one or more other students. It can be used in a variety of situations to meet different objectives. Peer evaluation can be used in a number of ways, to meet a variety of objectives. This performance feedback can either be [...]

The educational benefits of peer review

What is peer assessment? Peer assessment is the practice of having a student assessed by one or more other students. It can be used in a variety of situations to meet different objectives. For example, this method will give rise to feedback; this performance feedback can be used to [...]

Peer Review Guide

Definition For us, peer assessment is a broad term for a range of activities that include students in the act of evaluating and providing feedback on the work of their peers. It can be formative, where students give feedback on each other's work before a final product [...].

How to integrate peer review into my course

use case peer review

As a teacher, you've certainly heard of peer assessment and its benefits. So how can you integrate peer assessment into your courses and make the most of the pedagogical benefits it offers? We've created this article to give you a few examples of how peer assessment can be integrated into your teaching [...].