Facilitating evaluations

Successful intra-group peer review

Intra-group peer review?

During an intra-group assessment, students are asked to give constructive feedback to their work group members on their attitudes and investments within the group, so they will assess the so-called "soft skills" of their peers.

To conduct intra-group peer reviews, 5 questions to ask yourself from the start.

The 5 Questions of Peer Review

First of all, we need to question the work asked of the students. Does it promote collaboration and team spirit? Intra-group evaluation aims to improve group behaviours and skills, if the task requested is not adapted to teamwork, the process will be of little interest.
When we talk about evaluation, the key question is about the scale, the tool used to evaluate. In the case of peer review, the tool for producing the best assessments is the criterion-referenced grid. But this is not an absolute truth and context always takes precedence over theory. It is therefore important to ask how students will assess their peers and whether the tool chosen to do so is the most appropriate for the situation.

The greatest value of peer review is that it allows students to take feedback from their peers in order to improve. However, in order for a review and improvement of practice to take place, students must first be given time to see and understand what is and is not appropriate in the working practices of their peers. In this way, they will be able to do good peer reviews. And then, in a second phase, it is necessary to allow a sufficiently long period of work for students to internalise the feedback, so that they can put it into practice. The question of timing is therefore crucial in peer review, it must be adapted to the work required and it must appear realistic to the students.

In an evaluation there are different actors, it is important to ask who they will be and what roles they will play in the peer review. As a general rule, 3 roles will be present: The assessors, for equity purposes, this role should be taken on by each student. Assessors, again each student should play this role, but a question arises: should students assess each member of their groups? To answer this question, the workload should be questioned, and for a peer review, ideally students should not be asked to review more than 3-4 of their peers. Finally, the third role is that of the tutor, you have to ask yourself what role you are going to have in the process. Indeed, the peer review will be better if the tutor plays a facilitating role during the whole process: answering questions, questioning the progress and organising debriefing moments. The more involved the tutor is, the more relevant the students will find the process.

Finally, you need to ask yourself why you want to do peer assessment, what added value it will have to the exercise. By understanding the issues and group skills that will be worked on through peer review, you can show students how this exercise will help them to progress, which will make them more motivated.

Points to consider concrete practices in the service of peer review.

Once these questions have been asked, there are several practices that can be put in place to improve peer review.


Presentation and demonstration

In order for student evaluations to be of high quality they need to master the assessment tools. To do this, it is important to Present and exemplify their use. For example, show them For example, show them how you use the criteria grid in a fictitious case. case.

item 2


Ideally, the criteria should be constructed in collaboration with the students, so that they understand them better and identify from the outset the working practices they need to adopt. In addition, with this method, students feel more involved and motivated in peer assessment.

item 3


You will become a good runner by practising athletics. The same is true for peer assessment. the same with peer review, the more students use the method, the more the more students use the method, the more rewarding it will be. They will get better at it as they use it as as evaluators, thus producing better feedback for their peers. for their peers. So don't hesitate to work together with your colleagues to colleagues to set up a series of cross-curricular peer review usage. peer reviews across disciplines.

point 4


Finally, enriching peer review with self-assessment will allow students to find the process more students to find the process more pedagogically rewarding. In addition, self-assessment allows students to identify their own strengths and weaknesses and to compare one's view of one's working practices with that of one's peers.

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