
Teacher's kit

All the resources you need to understand peer review and use the ChallengeMe platform

Understanding peer review

ChallengeMe use case

📄 Use cases

Discover different ways of integrating peer assessment into your courses

Peer Power podcast #1

🎙 Podcasts

The importance of feedback, developing critical thinking skills, find out more about peer assessment and related topics.

Regards croisées - ChallengeMe round table

▶️ Conferences

Perspectives on peer assessment, competency-based approaches, AI and feedback.

Testimonial Grenoble EM

▶️ Feedback

Teachers from different schools explain how they used ChallengeMe

Training at ChallengeMe

ChallengeMe presentation

▶️ ChallengeMe in 5 minutes

Discover how ChallengeMe works

How to create a challenge

🌐 Guide to creating a challenge

This step-by-step guide shows you how to create a challenge.

Knowledge base

🌐 Our knowledge base

Search through our many guides to find the answers to your questions.

Our latest Webinars

▶️ Our latest webinars

Choose the topic that interests you to deepen your knowledge

How ChallengeMe works

🖌 How it works

An infographic to help you understand how ChallengeMe works

Bottom of ChallengeMe criteria

🌐 Our criteria base

Explore our database and select the criteria that interest you

ChallengeMe x Moodle Atelier comparison

🌐 ChallengeMe vs Moodle Workshop

A quick comparison to understand the difference between these tools

Designer (22)

🤖 Our wizard for creating criterion grids

Enter your subject and setpoint to obtain personalized criteria

Designer (18)

🤖 Our wizard for creating customized use cases

Enter your subject and setpoint to see how to use ChallengeMe

Introducing peer assessment to students

Preparing students for peer evaluation

▶️ Preparing students for peer evaluation

This video explains the principle and benefits of peer assessment to students.

Student support - Peer review

📄 Power Point support

A tool for training students in peer evaluation

Feedback guide

🌐 How to give relevant feedback

A guide with examples of good and bad feedback.

Need support?

Make an appointment with our coaches!