Assessing group dynamics

In group work, beyond the final production, it's important to ensure that the group dynamic is healthy and that everyone contributes according to their means.

But it's difficult for the teacher to have an overview of what's going on internally in each group. How can we detect groups in difficulty quickly, so that we can help them?


"ChallengeMe allows teachers to free themselves from the cumbersome logistics of peer assessment".

Gérard Zonberg

EFREI, engineering school

Engineer / Pedagogical Advisor

Gérard Zonberg - EFREI

How does it work?

At several milestones in a group project, students evaluate the work produced by their group, as well as the contribution and behavior of each member, including themselves. This provides an opportunity to take regular stock of task allocation, communication, motivation, sticking points, etc.

The teacher has access to a summary of these "self-assessments", giving him a map of the groups. This enables him to identify those who need help, and to adjust the way things are done, or refocus certain students.

ChallengeMe features

Group self-assessment grid to be completed at various key stages

Comparing your own group's evaluation with those of others

Your synchronized groups from Moodle

Group summary for the teacher, color-coded to reflect the group's "health

Our webinar on identifying freeriders

In this webinar, you'll discover 3 case studies in workgroup evaluation:

Identifying free-riders; Developing soft skills; Measuring group dynamics

They use evaluation in a group

Read the testimonials

Answers to your questions

Absolutely! Groups can be synchronized from your Moodle platform or directly via an Excel file. It's the easiest and quickest activity to organize!

Try ChallengeMe free of charge

We invite you to try ChallengeMe free of charge. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly with any questions you may have. Our team will be delighted to help you!



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+33(0)9 75 18 18 44

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77 avenue du pont juvenal
34000 Montpellier