How EM Lyon used ChallengeMe

How emlyon used ChallengeMe

The School welcomes 9,050 students of 125 nationalities on initial training courses and almost 6,900 participants in continuing education programs. With 6 campuses around the world (Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Paris, Shanghai, Bhubaneswar, Mumbai), the School relies on a network of 200 international academic partners and leads a community of 41,700 graduates in 130 different countries.

Christine Degot and Mia Birau, respectively Action Learning Mentor and Associate Professor of Marketing atEM Lyon, explain the benefits of intra-group evaluation and how they integrated ChallengeMe into their courses to evaluate hundreds of students, motivate them and train them to give feedback.







Chritine Degot

Action Learning Mentor and Professor of Marketing

Mia Birau

Associate Professor
in Marketing

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