How Grenoble EM used ChallengeMe

Grenoble Ecole de Management

How Grenoble Ecole de Management used ChallengeMe

Grenoble EM

Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) is a business school recognised on the international and national scene. It is a Business Lab for Society in which 8,000 students and 500 employees learn and work every day to meet the challenges of business and society.

Historically based in Grenoble, the European Green Capital and a city of science and technology, the school has developed solid expertise in the management of technology and innovation. This founding orientation has enabled it to broaden its fields of expertise in research and training around digital, health, energy, entrepreneurship, the sharing economy and geopolitics.

andres grenoble em

Andrés Gonzalez

Pedagogical engineer at Grenoble EM

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