Successful intra-group peer reviews
Intra-group peer assessment? During an in-group assessment, students are asked to give constructive feedback to members of their work group on their attitudes and investments within the group. They will therefore be assessing the famous "soft skills" or behavioral competencies of their peers. To carry out assessments [...]
Self-evaluation at the service of peer review
What is self-evaluation? Peer assessment has many advantages (see our article on the benefits of peer assessment), but to take full advantage of them, one ideal must be achieved. Its integration into an educational program comprising several mutually enriching methods. This is known as the triangulation of methods (Topping, 20031 ; [...]).
Intra-group peer review
What is intra-group assessment? Peer assessment is the practice of having a student assessed by one or more other students. It can be used in a variety of situations to meet different objectives. Peer evaluation can be used in a number of ways, to meet a variety of objectives. This performance feedback can either be [...]
The educational benefits of peer assessment
What is peer assessment? Peer assessment is the practice of having a student assessed by one or more other students. Peer assessment can be used in a variety of situations to meet different objectives. For example, this method will give rise to feedback; this performance feedback can be used to [...]