Preventing AI plagiarism

With advances in artificial intelligence, it's becoming easier and easier for students to cheat by having their homework generated by tools like ChatGPT.

Teachers have difficulty detecting whether a text has been written by a human or an AI. How can they be sure of the authenticity of the work submitted, while at the same time exploiting the potential of AI for learning?

Prevent AI plagiarism with ChallengeMe

"Students are in the best position to spot whether an assignment has been written by an AI. By having them evaluate each other, we greatly limit the risk of cheating."

How does it work?

When students rate each other on ChallengeMe, they are asked to rate the likelihood of the work having been generated by an AI, according to several criteria: writing style, coherence, relevance of examples, presence of personal opinions, etc.

Suspicious work is reported to the teacher, who can carry out a more in-depth analysis. At the same time, students are made aware of the ethical use of AI as a writing aid, without being replaced by it.

ChallengeMe features

AI plagiarism detection criteria in evaluation grids

Teacher dashboard with potential plagiarism alerts

Tips for students on using AI ethically

Raising awareness of risks (disciplinary sanctions) in the event of proven cheating

Our webinar on how to prevent AI plagiarism with ChallengeMe

They use AI in their challenges

Read the testimonials

Answers to your questions

Absolutely! Groups can be synchronized from your Moodle platform or directly via an Excel file. It's the easiest and quickest activity to organize!

Try ChallengeMe free of charge

We invite you to try ChallengeMe free of charge. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly with any questions you may have. Our team will be delighted to help you!



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+33(0)9 75 18 18 44

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77 avenue du pont juvenal
34000 Montpellier