How Inseec implemented peer review.


How INSEEC used ChallengeMe.

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INSEEC U. is a private institution of higher education and multidisciplinary research in Management, Engineering Sciences, Communication & Digital and Political Sciences.

With offices in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Chambéry-Savoie, INSEEC U. trains 25,000 students and 5,000 executives each year, both face-to-face and by distance learning, from Bachelor's to DBA, in its partner institutions and universities in France and abroad.

Barry McHugh

Entrepreneur, English and professional project teacher at ESCE

Frederic Aubrun

Research professor in digital marketing and communication at the BBA Inseec in Lyon

Introduce yourself in a few words

Frederic Aubrun

My name is Frederic Aubrun, I am a teacher-researcher in digital marketing and communication at the BBA Inseec in Lyon.

Barry McHugh

My name is Barry McHugh, I am Irish by birth and I am an entrepreneur and at the same time, I am a teacher of English and professional project in the Inseec group at the ESCE school also sup de pub.

How did you use ChallengeMe?

Frederic Aubrun

In the framework of a project that we had to set up in our school which was about crisis communication, so in fact they had a sort of boot camp, they had two three intensive days where they had to work on a crisis communication case, so in this case it was home delivery with the Deliveroo case and they learn the case study the same day, They learn the case study on the same day, the first day, and then they are given challenges during these two three days and the ChallengeMe case was launched on the last day because the aim of these exercises was to make them set up a crisis communication adapted to the different social networks and in the case of ChallengeMe we thought it might be a good idea to make them evaluate each other on the digital communication part, i.e. how to respond to a crisis communication problem through a social network plus a YouTube video.

Barry McHugh

I use ChallengeMe as a tool for my professional project courses, so it's work that runs in parallel with what I teach them in class. I give a presentation on a subject and they have to work in groups to produce a presentation on this subject, which can be a video, a Prezi or simply a PDF. They have, let's say about 10 days, to do the editing and then they evaluate each other, which is the advantage of ChallengeMe, and then for my second face-to-face course, we look together at the work done in the past and then we introduce the next challenge and then the new subject.

How has ChallengeMe helped you?

Frederic Aubrun

It is first of all a pedagogical interest for the students by the students, that is to say that even if they are in the first year, I find that it is also important to bring them to be evaluated by their peers and it is an exercise that is generally done at the end of the third year because they start to be mature but what is interesting with the ChallengeMe tool is that in fact they have very precise criteria and through the criteria that are already established, They only have to mention the boxes and this makes it much easier for them to manage the evaluations, so I think it's a good tool to teach them to evaluate themselves and their peers.

Barry McHugh

What I say in class is one thing, but what they say to each other is another thing, but it's also a form of learning called peer learning, which is the aim of ChallengeMe, and I find it very effective and very promising for their future, because it's well known in education that a student who corrects another student is better than a teacher who corrects a student. I find it very effective and very promising for their future because it's well known in education that a student who corrects another student is better than a teacher who corrects a student, which is very interesting for ChallengeMe.

What did you think of the interactions between students?

Barry McHugh

I was very satisfied with the exchanges. I have to admit that this is now the third year I have used ChallengeMe. I notice that, at the beginning of each course, each year, it is very important to explain to the students the importance of the quality of their feedback. When we explain that they are graded on the quality of their feedback, they take it seriously, they clarify their strong points but also their weak points, so everyone wins.

What did you like about ChallengeMe?

Frederic Aubrun

This third stage that we launched on ChallengeMe is a stage that is quite difficult to evaluate as a coach because it is creativity and I think that the results were quite good because it allowed the students to judge each other on this criterion which is more or less subjective but through objective criteria and as a result, in terms of the results, we find videos that are quite fun, We can see that they played the game and that, despite everything, when they are a little bit borderline, we can see that the marks suffer, so it's great.

Barry McHugh

I have to admit that ChallengeMe is one of the few courses where I have never had negative feedback. They really like it. I think you have to admit that today's generation they like videos, they like to build something to post it on a platform. It's empowering, they are graded on their ability to make a good presentation and also to write a good report with quality feedback.

Frederic Aubrun

It allowed them, the students, to break their rhythm a little bit because I know that they were asked to do some reports on Moodle and the last report was ChallengeMe and so the feedback we got was quite positive because the students were happy to play on another platform and they found it great to evaluate the other students, to put themselves in the place of the teacher. So I would say that the results in terms of time management, and in pedagogical terms and also in terms of a distant tale were really great.

Barry McHugh

In concrete terms, once the challenge is launched, the platform manages everything. I don't manage anything. The only things I manage are the time and the date that must be respected for the end of the challenge. After that, it's the platform that manages everything. As a teacher it made my job easier. There is a team behind ChallengeMe, there is a hotline that is open all the time and they can send messages and then the response is instant. There is a good support service with the ChallengeMe team and I know that my students are particularly sensitive to this because as it is new, they have questions and instead of asking the teacher questions, they can ask questions directly to the ChallengeMe team which is exceptional!

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