Facilitating evaluations

Peer evaluation grid: examples and methodology for the teacher.

Peer evaluation grid

Peer assessment has many advantages, including actively involving learners in the assessment process and developing their analytical and feedback skills.

To achieve this objective, it is important to have a peer evaluation grid that meets several conditions. 

The aim of this article is to explain the role of the criterion-referenced grid in peer assessment, to show you how to construct it, and to provide examples to help you get started.

If you'd like to find out more about peer review, we recommend you read this article: Peer review: Benefits and best practices.

What is a criterion-based peer review grid?

A graded peer evaluation grid is a grid provided to students to guide them through the correction process.

A grid is made up of several criteria divided into categories. A scale is added to each criterion to identify the degree of quality for each one.

There is also a free-text zone for formative feedback.

Why use a peer evaluation grid?

If we don't provide students with a qualitative grid enabling them to evaluate their peers' work, we run the risk of ending up with over-scoring and low-quality feedback such as "very good work", which contributes nothing from a learning point of view.

The evaluation grid will draw the student's attention to key points in order to guide him/her through the process. The aim is to be able to judge the quality of a production, establish a fair mark and provide qualitative feedback to help the recipient progress.

How to build a peer evaluation grid?

In this section, we've tried to summarize a 5-step methodology to help you design a grid that meets your objectives.

1. Clarify the purpose of the assessment

The first question to ask is "What is the purpose of this grid? Is the aim to establish a fair mark or to improve the student's learning? If you want to focus on the quality of the grade, you'll need to pay particular attention to the various criteria, so that they are clearly identifiable and measurable.

2. Category selection

Next, you'll need to establish categories to classify the criteria. The aim is to have criteria that follow one another in a logical order, making them easy for the student to read. Example: BACKGROUND and FORM.

3. Choice of criteria

These categories are completed by a number of criteria. The criterion must focus the student's attention on a specific element or skill to be assessed.


FORM: Written expression, Organization of the document, Originality...
BACKGROUND: Relevance of information, Ability to summarize, Argumentation...

4. Choice of assessment scale.

The rating scale is used to assess the quality of a criterion. This scale is common to all criteria. We recommend using between 3 and 5 degrees of evaluation.

Example: Not acquired, In progress, Acquired, Expert.

Ideally, each degree should be linked to an observable element.


Criterion: Written expression

Not acquired: More than 10 spelling or syntax errors.
In progress: Up to 10 spelling and syntax errors. Vocabulary is varied.
Acquired : No spelling or syntax errors. Vocabulary is varied.

In addition to this assessment scale, it is important to add a textual feedback zone, enabling the student to provide formative feedback to the person being assessed.

5. Share the grid with students beforehand

Once the grid is ready, it's a good idea to share it with the students and explain its purpose. The grid can be clarified if necessary, making it easier for students to understand the criteria.

Download the peer evaluation grid.

You can enter your email address below to receive the different grids according to the methodology described. You can also download the matrix to validate the quality of your criteria.

Download evaluation grids and validation matrices

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A relevant criterion grid is an essential part of peer assessment. The better it is, the greater the chances of improving learning, the quality of feedback and generating a fair grade.

If you have any suggestions or comments about this article, please let us know by visiting our contact page.

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