Leveraging AI to help students develop their ability to give and receive constructive feedback

This activity uses AI as a feedback assistant for students. AI analyzes feedback given and received by students, provides suggestions for improvement and helps develop essential constructive communication skills.

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Activity objective

The main aim is to improve the quality of feedback exchanged between students by using AI to guide, analyze and improve their feedback practices, while developing their constructive communication and critical thinking skills.


Continuous skills improvement - AI provides immediate, personalized feedback for ongoing learning.

Increased objectivity - AI helps reduce personal bias in feedback given and received.

Developing critical thinking skills - Students learn to analyze and improve their own feedback.

Preparation for the professional world - Students develop essential communication and collaboration skills.

Personalized learning - AI adapts its suggestions to the specific needs of each student.

Increased engagement - Using AI makes the feedback process more interactive and engaging.

📝Example of criteria

💡 Select the collection of criteria associated with this use case in the platform

⚙️How does it work?

Submission of work

Submission of work

Students upload their work to the platform according to the teacher's instructions.

This step can be carried out individually or in a group

Evaluation and feedback

Students or teachers assess the work using the assessment criteria defined by the teacher. 

They can also give feedback.

This step can be carried out individually or in a group

The teacher can also take part in this stage

Evaluation and feedback of group members

Students evaluate the members of their group using the evaluation criteria defined by the teacher. 

They can also give feedback.

This phase also includes a self-assessment

Evaluating feedback

The students use various criteria to indicate whether they found the feedback relevant or not.

They can also provide their markers with a written commentary.

Results display

Students discover the evaluations and feedback they have received, according to the display options they have defined.

Results can be hidden if required, if the teacher does not want students to have access to them.

Use the different valuation methods

Choose the evaluation method that suits you best.

Add extra phases

You can use a "simple" activity or add additional deposit or evaluation phases.

Enrich the experience with our AI assistant

Why not use our AI assistant to guide students in their feedback. The assistant can give them elements to improve their feedback and make it more constructive.

💡Some advice

Explain the role of AI - Make sure students understand that AI is an assistive tool, not a replacement for human judgment.

Provide examples - Show examples of good and bad feedback, as well as AI suggestions for improvement.

Encourage reflection - Ask students to reflect on the AI's suggestions and explain why they accept or reject them.

Combine AI and human feedback - Use AI as a starting point, but also encourage classroom discussions about feedback.

⬜ Track progress - Use AI data to track the improvement of students' feedback skills over time.

Adapt AI settings - Adjust AI criteria and thresholds to suit the specific level and needs of your class.

Promoting ethics - Discuss the ethical implications of using AI in assessment and feedback.

Facilitate self-evaluation - Encourage students to use AI to self-evaluate their own feedback before sharing it.

Answers to your questions

How can I be sure that the assessments are fair and objective?

ChallengeMe offers clear and precise evaluation criteria that you can customize. What's more, the anonymity of assessments and the possibility of having several assessors per job help ensure fairness.

We also recommend preparing the students, explaining the objectives, and even co-constructing the criterion grid with them, taking examples from previous work.

Absolutely, group work is possible, both in the response phase (submitting a file as a group, for example) and in the evaluation phase (students must agree on feedback and evaluations).

We have a wide range of content available. On the platform, students are guided through the activity with tips for giving relevant feedback. We also provide teachers with documents they can use to present the activity to students.

The choice is yours! You can set up a formative system only (no grades, only feedback), or build a grade with weighting on criteria, bonuses/maluses according to certain events (lateness, for example), or even weight the peer assessment grade with the teacher's grade.

We work with over 90 schools in France, Switzerland, Belgium and Quebec. On our website, you'll find feedback from other schools on our activities.

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