*This article is the second in a series of five exploring the competency-based approach in higher education, based on a webinar organized by ChallengeMe with experts in the field.
Faced with the challenges of massification in higher education, and the need for personalized follow-up of learners, skills assessment requires profound transformation. Digital tools are emerging as invaluable allies in meeting these challenges, in particular by automating certain time-consuming tasks and facilitating individualized follow-up.
Formative assessment as a cornerstone
Formative assessment is a fundamental pillar of the skills-based approach, enabling continuous, personalized support for learners in their development.
The central role of feedback
Formative assessment has come back to the fore with APC, as Dominique from the University of Montpellier points out: "We need to offer formative assessments that will accompany our learners throughout their lives". This approach enables learners to make continuous progress thanks to regular feedback on their learning.
Essential components
The reflexive process
Formative assessment encourages learners to develop a reflective approach to their learning. As SKEMA's Vaietea points out: "We need to enable learners to say to themselves: here's what's expected of me, here are the stages in the graduation of skills, and I can visualize my development little by little".
Personalized support
Dominique explains: "Often, on our own, we don't realize how we can improve, which is why formative assessment is so important, even without grades. You need to have feedback to know what's going wrong and how you can improve".

AI as a feedback assistant
The role of AI in ChallengeMe
ChallengeMe integrates artificial intelligence to enrich the assessment experience for both students and teachers.
For students
- Automatic synthesis of the various feedbacks received
- Assistance in writing constructive feedback
- Analysis of trends in returns received
For teachers
- Assistance with production evaluation
- Help in generating formative feedback
- Performance analysis to identify areas requiring special attention
As Vaietea points out: "To get good feedback from AI, you need to be able to define very clearly the criteria, including the feedback expectations".
Aurélie confirms the usefulness of this approach: "We are currently testing, in certain subjects that lend themselves to it, the generation of feedback by the AI based on what the teacher has given as criteria, a kind of exemplary answer and the criteria that make an answer correct".
This integration of AI significantly enhances the quality and frequency of feedback, while maintaining the human element at the heart of the learning process. The aim is to assist, not replace, by offering support for the massification of skills assessment."
The challenges of digital tools in PCA
Faced with the complexity of the skills-based approach, digital tools need to respond to several major challenges, while remaining at the service of pedagogy.
Interoperability as a central issue
Interconnecting tools: a strategic challenge
Interconnection between the various platforms represents a major challenge for higher education institutions in the context of APC. Vaietea points out: "If we have different platforms that we use to do different things in one institution, and all our platforms don't communicate, it's going to be very complicated".
Data centralization is essential for :
- Longitudinal skills tracking
- Collecting learning traces
- Progress visualization
Data security
With such a large number of students, safety becomes a major issue. Dominique insists: "With 50,000 students, there's a huge security issue at stake. We really need to work on these issues with all those who manage the tools".
Innovative technological solutions
Modern assessment platforms such as ChallengeMe now make it possible to centralize assessment data, track skills progression and facilitate large-scale assessments. This centralization is essential to ensure consistent tracking of skills across different courses and years.
Peer assessment, for example, becomes a powerful tool when supported by technology. Not only does it help manage massification, it also enriches the learning experience by developing students' analytical skills.
Benefits for the educational community
For teachers
The use of appropriate tools enables us to focus on more qualitative aspects of teaching. Technology facilitates the monitoring of student progress and the efficient management of large-scale assessment.
For students
Digital tools help them better understand their expectations and monitor their progress on a personalized basis. They receive more regular and constructive feedback, which is essential for the development of their skills.
This digital transformation of assessment not only makes it possible to manage the massification of higher education, but also to enrich teaching practices in the service of skills development.
Skills assessment in the digital age represents a major challenge for higher education, but also a tremendous opportunity for pedagogical transformation. The emergence of innovative digital tools now makes it possible to meet the challenges of massification while maintaining the quality of pedagogical follow-up.
Formative assessment, a pillar of PCA, is enriched by these new technological possibilities. Platforms such as ChallengeMe not only automate certain time-consuming tasks, but also facilitate peer assessment and personalized skills tracking.
Artificial intelligence, used as a support and not as a substitute, reinforces this transformation by assisting both teachers and students in their assessment and feedback processes.
However, the success of this digital transformation depends on several key factors:
- Efficient interoperability between different platforms
- Robust data security
- A clear vision of educational objectives
- Tailored support for teams
The future of skills assessment thus lies in a hybrid approach, where technology and pedagogy complement each other harmoniously to offer an enriched, personalized learning experience.