A flexible solution

ChallengeMe is a learning and assessment tool designed to simplify the assessment process for teachers and students. We use a phased system, allowing you to create activities tailored to your needs!


"ChallengeMe allows teachers to free themselves from the cumbersome logistics of peer assessment".

Gérard Zonberg

EFREI, engineering school

Engineer / Pedagogical Advisor

Gérard Zonberg - EFREI

The different types of phases

Whether you're looking for a "classic" peer review or a more in-depth assessment, ChallengeMe is perfectly suited to your scenario.

Work deposit

Invite students to submit their document or answer to an exercise.

Job evaluation

Evaluate documents or answers using criteria or feedback

Evaluating feedback

Evaluation of feedback according to different criteria.

In-class presentation

Evaluate live presentations or simulations.

Group evaluation

Invite students to evaluate themselves and the members of a work group.


Create results steps to consolidate grades or present feedback to students.

Start from 0
or use our templates

Whether you're looking for a "classic" peer review or a more in-depth assessment, ChallengeMe is perfectly suited to your scenario.

Identifying free riders

Evaluating classroom presentations

Measuring group dynamics

Iterative work

Developing soft skills

Learning through feedback

Organizing your phases

Create as many phases as you like and organize them as you wish. Whether it's for "classic" peer assessments or teacher assessments, you can build the teaching scenario to suit your needs.

Try ChallengeMe free of charge

We invite you to try ChallengeMe free of charge. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly with any questions you may have. Our team will be delighted to help you!




Contact us

Contact us

+33(0)9 75 18 18 44

Our offices

Our offices

77 avenue du pont juvenal
34000 Montpellier

Answers to your questions

As a French company, we strictly adhere to RGPD standards, guaranteeing data security and confidentiality. Our contracts are available for more details on data processing.