The ChallengeMe AI assistant is designed to analyze different phases of a challenge and provide relevant feedback to students and teachers. It can be integratedcan be integrated at any stage of an activity to accompany students' progresstion, to challengeor analyze their achievements
"The tool is really relevant and easy to get to grips with both for teachers and on the student side."
Some examples of use cases :
Our AI Assistant is designed to support students throughout their activity. Whether it's to encourage their progress, challenge them or analyze their achievements, it's up to you to set the objective! The assistant can be integrated at any stage of the activity 😍
Our AI assistant is designed to be contextualized and customized to your needs. We work with teachers to identify where AI can save them time and bring the most value
Imagine an artificial intelligence that you can customize to your needs for a variety of activities: student assignments, assessments, group work, classroom presentations. Our AI acts as a prompt that you can associate with a specific step. We estimate that we've only identified 30% of the potential applications!
We invite you totry ChallengeMe and its AI assistantfree of charge. If you see new possibilities for use, or are interested in activating AI on certain challenges, let us know at Our team will be delighted to help!